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Best Places To Learn Blogging Online

Are you looking for where to learn blogging in Nigeria or any part of the world? Well, your search stops here. Blogging is one of the most reliable digital skills that is very lucrative and does not require a lot of capital to start up. With your smartphone or laptop, you can blog about almost anything and generate revenues from your blog. While starting a blog can challenging for beginners, access to the best blogging courses can help you start with the right steps and build an income-generating blog online.

Whether you are looking for where to learn blogging for beginners, or where to learn blogging online for free, I have prepared a list of the best resources that will serve as incredible guides for you in your blogging journey. Some of the options are free while some are available at affordable pricing.

Where to learn blogging online and start making money

If you want to acquire a digital skill and start making money online via your blog, the following resources can help you get started to achieve your dreams of becoming a skilled blogger.

1. OctaDev Blogging Course

Our blogging course at OctaDev is meticulously crafted with beginners at heart. Whether it is your first time to come across the term blogging, our blogging course will take you by the hands and show you how to get things done the right way. Registered users can access the blogging course and learn at their own pace, the course is fully loaded with practical approaches and real-life examples that will help students learn the right way to handle things at every step of their blogging journey.

Our blogging course is available and accessible to everyone who has internet access and has paid the required fee for learning. The blogging fee is slashed to allow interested persons to start their blogging journey without spending so much or to avoid not starting at all due to financial challenges.

On our blog, we also provide free blogging tips to help both beginners and professional bloggers improve their skills and give their blogging journey an incredible boost.

2. YouTube

Learning blogging from YouTube can be a valuable and accessible way to acquire the skills needed to start and grow a successful blog. YouTube offers a plethora of tutorials, guides, and tips from experienced bloggers and industry experts, making it a go-to resource for beginners and seasoned bloggers alike.

You can start to learn blogging free of charge on YouTube, look out for YouTube Channels like; Neil Patel, Blogging Basics 101, and many more. However, the downside of learning blogging from YouTube videos is that most of the free blog tutorial videos are not detailed enough to take you through the whole process, as you will have to jump from one video or channel to another in search of information. Buying a self-paced course like the one on our website is one of the best ways to learn about blogging.

3. Read blogs

There are a great number of bloggers out there on the internet who use their blogging platform to communicate with their readers on how to solve tech-related problems. Find out blogs that share success tips with their readers, and begin to familiarize yourself with the blogging terms used and how to carry out basic blogging settings.

One of the best things to do while researching where to learn blogging for free is to outline your concerns. This usually includes what challenges you are facing on your blog and then heading over to search engines like Google and Bing, to ask your questions.

Blogs that write “how to” guides for blogging, can sometimes present their posts as infographics, slides, text, audio (podcast), or video. Multiple post format types can help make learning a breeze for you, the comment section in the post you read can also be used for asking questions and receiving answers from the authors of such blogging guides.

4. Bloggers near you

One can learn blogging from reputable bloggers in their area, there are bloggers in almost every part of the world and if you carry out a deep search, you might be lucky to come across one who is equipped with up-to-date blogging skills that can help put you through on how to start a blog and also how to succeed in your blogging journey. While most of the bloggers out there provide paid one-on-one sessions, you can also attend free blogging seminars in your area to learn some of the basics of blogging.

5. Online forums and social media groups

You can learn blogging for free simply by joining online forums or social media groups where blogging is discussed. When you join forums online, you will get the opportunity to see other people’s challenges and inputs they find helpful, Examples of such platforms where you can learn from the challenges other bloggers are facing, and also ask your blogging questions include; Quora, Stackoverflow, Nairaland, JustAnswer, Reddit, and different Facebook blogging groups.

If you want to learn about blogging on social media, you can start by following our social media handles or typing the word “blogging” into the search bar of your preferred social media platform. It will take just a few seconds to populate your screen with different groups, pages, and profiles that discuss blogging, you can like, join, or follow anyone of your choice to start learning for free.


Which course is best for blogging?

The best blogging course is a course that is well-detailed, and easy to understand in such a way that even newbies can follow clear instructions and get their blogs running.

Which blogging site is best for beginners?

The best blogging platform for beginners who want to play around with blogging is the Blogger platform by Google. Those who want to blog for business should consider WordPress, it is an open-source content management system.

Which type of blog earn more?

Generally, blogs that solve problems earn more. If we are to rank niches that earn more, it will include the technology niche, insurance niche, health niche, and personal finance.

Can I start blog with no money?

Yes, you can start a blog with no money, hence you have a device with internet access. There are a good number of free blogging platforms to start with.


Your blogging success can be determined by the type of lessons you have had, that is why it is pertinent to scrutinize the information you digest as the internet can also be a place of misinformation. With the right training and resources, you can stand strong on your fit and make an incredible impact in the internet space through blogging. Start learning that course today, watch that YouTube tutorial today, and read that free guide on how to start a blog from scratch, take note of every step of the way, gather experiences, and take advantage of the beauty of blogging.


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